Monday, April 14, 2008

doggies and derbies

some of you may already be aware that i have a little dog named ruby. she's a boston terrier, and is feisty as hell. everyday she practices her fighting and karate moves on her little stuffed animals. she's quick, fierce, and has the eye of the tiger.

the other day she was outside in the backyard. some douchebag's pitbull was in the back lane without a leash. the dog came up to ruby, started to pick on her and rough her up a little bit. what does ruby do? at first freezes and shakes on the spot. soon after, she begins to panic and runs away in the opposite direction..further from our apartment.

ruby you have shamed us all with your cowardice.

if you're not busy this weekend you should attend this:

hey montreal, read the hour this week!

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